
or, The Details About Dalek Props Which Only You Care About

The details contained here are subject to continual change. If in doubt, use your own research and judgement! All measurements are approximate unless otherwise stated.


Dalek Batch Props Approx. Delivery Date Made for
1 1, 2, 3, 4 Nov. 1963 Serial B “The Daleks”
2 5, 6 Aug. 1964 Serial K “The Dalek Invasion of Earth”
3 AARU 1-8 Mar. 1965 Movie “Dr. Who & The Daleks”

As-built Specification

Dalek Batch Skirt Returns Shoulder Returns Neck Bin Returns
1 9 mm (3/8”) ply 9 mm (3/8”) ply, upper 40 mm (1 1/2”) wide 9 mm (3/8”) ply1
2 18 mm (3/4”) blockboard 9 mm (3/8”) ply, upper 40 mm (1 1/2”) wide 9 mm (3/8”) ply
3 18 mm (3/4”) blockboard 9 mm (3/8”) ply, upper 30 mm (1 1/4”) wide 9 mm (3/8”) ply

1. The current neck paired with Prop 1’s shoulder section has 18 mm blockboard returns, but this isn’t in keeping with Shawcraft’s apparent “9mm unless something breaks often” practice.